Whether your business is a growing family venture or an established industry leader, Mohawk Marketing Group offers the marketing help you need!

Campaign & Project Management

Do you need an extra pair of hands to manage your existing marketing projects? Need some help making a project a success? MMG can guide your campaigns all the way from conception to implementation to analysis.

Copywriting & Copy Editing

Do you need to create a voice for your company? Need to streamline what’s being said? MMG can help ensure your business sends a clear and concise message to clients, customers, and employees.  Form letters, new brochures, or in-depth market summaries - virtually no written task is off-limits to MMG.

Client Branding & Promotional Marketing

Does your advertising need a facelift? Need to rebrand your products for a new market? MMG can create what your business needs - print ads, logos, promotional materials, emails - to get customers’ attention and drive sales to the next level.

Marketing Strategy Development

Do you have a great business idea but don’t know how to start marketing it? Need help putting your marketing plan in motion? MMG can help you develop marketing strategies that work.